M/V CARISMA, olyckshändelse och dödsfall ombord i Roenne hamn, Danmark 26.1.2012

Undersökningen är gjort i samarbete mellan Olycksutredningscentralen och Danmarks undersökningsmyndighet. Rapporten finns bara på engelska.


CARISMA had been on a voyage from Slite to Roenne to take a cargo of sand. The ship arrived at Roenne on 25 January 2011 at 2200. As the loading operation was planned to commence the next morning, it was decided not to rig the gangway until visitors were expected.

Half an hour after arrival, a part of the crew left the ship to go ashore. Instead of rigging the gangway they used a pilot ladder that they rigged on the ship side. Shortly after having arrived at the town centre, one of the crew members felt tired and returned to the ship.

At 0020 on 26 of January 2012, the seaman was observed struggling in the water between the ship and the quay. Within ten minutes the seaman was safe, but he died later that night at the hospital in Roenne.

After the accident the ship has been equipped with at new gangway that can be rigged parallel to the ships side.

This report does not contain any recommendation in relation to the fatal accident the seafarer on 26 January 2012.

M/V Rapport (pdf, 2.15 Mt)

Publicerad 22.8.2012