D7/2011M M/S HELGA (FIN), striking ground in Lappeenranta on 8 December 2011

The Finnish cargo vessel M/S HELGA was on her way from Siilinjärvi to Meeruse Port in Tallinn, laden with quartz sand, when she hit the edge of a shoal with almost full speed. She was able to refloat after striking the ground. The accident took place in Lappeenranta in the southern part of Saimaa, in a strait between Hautasaari and Sikosalo, on 8 November 2011 at 16.30 local time. Because of the accident the vessel had a leakage in the fore peak and in the bow thruster room.

The collision occurred at the end of a starboard yaw after the pilot and the officer of the watch had lost visual perception of channel markings due to heavy, rapidly increasing snowfall. The sudden deterioration of visibility and keeping lookout from the bridge in order to get visual perception of the channel markings distracted from monitoring navigational devices and especially the electronic chart. An alteration of heading on the basis of the information on the course and position indicated by the electronic chart might have prevented the accident.

Conclusion of the investigation

This investigation report has been compiled on the basis of the results from the preliminary investigation. Because the vessel had leakages in its hull, the accident has been categorised as a serious casualty in accordance with the IMO accident classification. The sequence of events leading to the M/S HELGA striking the ground has been studied and the probable causes of the damage have been assessed in the preliminary investigation.

The Safety Investigation Authority has decided that this preliminary investigation has been completed and a further investigation will not be carried out.

D7/2011M Report (pdf, 0.73 Mt)

Published 9.11.2012