C3/2004M The Navy Allweather Craft HÖGSÅRA and Archipelago Ferry ROSALA II, Collision in the Narrow Fairway on the North Side of Örö on 16.3.2004

On a scheduled trip to Fort Örö the archipelago ferry ROSALA II collided with the Navy all-weather craft HÖGSÅRA that had departed Örö to an unscheduled voyage. The collision took place on March 16, 2004 in dense fog as the vessels proceeded in the narrow fairway, which had been opened through the ice-covered sea. The fairway is not marked in the general traffic charts but it is surveyed and marked for the use of the local archipelago traffic.

ROSALA II had 2 passengers and crew of 3 and as cargo one lorry. HÖGSÅRA had 13 passengers and crew of 3. No physical harm was caused in the accident. HÖGSÅRA got serious damages to her bridge but ROSALA II got only minor damages. There was significant delay in informing the authorities of the collision. This delay did not endanger persons involved.

The investigators recommend that coastal passenger traffic operators and the service traffic of the military craft should have common practices to avoid collisions and risk situations for the use of shared fairways.

C3/2004M Report (pdf, 1.07 Mt)

Published 13.5.2004