M2021-01 Grounding of M/V Timca (NL) in front of Rauma on 16 February 2021

The ConRo (container and ro-ro vessel) vessel M/V Timca of the shipping company Spliethoff was grounded on the Rauma 12 M channel on the northern side of Rihtniemi early in the morning of 16 February 2021. During a turn, the vessel drifted outside the fairway area and over the shallows located there. The bottom, propellers and rudders of M/V Timca were damaged. In addition, the vessel sustained several leaks in different compartments. The vessel maintained its manoeuvrability, and the leak was brought under control with the vessel’s own pumps. After the incident, the master piloted the vessel to the Port of Rauma, where it was easier to get additional help than at sea.

Difficulties with interpreting the radar image and the resulting momentary loss of situational awareness concerning the exact location of the vessel were behind the accident. The radar trail function (TRAILS) as well as the amount of gain (GAIN) caused disturbances in the image, which made interpreting the radar image difficult. The loss of situational awareness was affected additionally by the deficiencies in the voyage plan related to channel navigation and piloting.

Based on the information gained from the vessel’s Voyage Data Recorder (VDR), the vessel started to turn roughly two vessel lengths after passing by the Osmo edge mark, close to the intersection of the navigation lines. The vessel started to turn left towards the next section of the channel, but because it turned late, it drifted outside the fairway area and passed over the shallows on the right side of the channel, sustaining significant damage and several leaks.

The vessel’s voyage plan did not show any comments related to the turns, such as the starting points of turns (Wheel Over Point), the turn radii (Radius of Turn) or speed (Rate of Turn), which affect the safe handling, navigation and pilotage of the vessel. In addition, the vessel’s speed of travel in the section of the channel was higher than the recommended speed according to the fairway card.

The vessel was exempt from compulsory pilotage, because the master had a Pilotage Exemption Certificate for the Rauma 12 M channel. The Pilotage Exemption Certificate does not emphasise the effect of ice conditions on navigation in the archipelago, and in practice, the related experience is applicant-specific and it does not necessarily come up in the examination for a Pilotage Exemption Certificate.

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency has issued instructions on voyage planning for Finnish vessels. The instructions have not been easily available in English, which affects its use on vessels of other flag states.

The Safety Investigation Authority recommends that

1. The Ministry of Transport and Communications develop the legislation related to granting Pilotage Exemption Certificates so that, if necessary, criteria can be placed for them taking factors related to the prevailing ice and snow conditions as well as the experience of the applicant into account.

2. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency develop the requirements related to the Pilotage Exemption Certificate training and examination so that after completing the examination, a Pilotage Exemption Certificate holder is able to plan the route to be piloted and the monitoring of piloting with a Pilotage Exemption Certificate, as well as pilot the vessel safely in all conditions.

3. The shipping company of M/V Timca, Spliethoff, specify its regulations related to pilotage so that they take account of the regulations, instructions and operating methods issued by the coastal state regarding pilotage and voyage planning for the channel to be piloted so that the safe navigation of the vessel through narrow passages can be ensured in all conditions.

4. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom specify the instructions issued together with Finnpilot Pilotage Oy for the examiners of a practical pilotage assessment so that while preparing for piloting, during piloting and at the feedback event the topics related to the practical pilotage assessment are reviewed in sufficient detail and a written assessment is drawn up on their realisation.

5. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom draw up clear instructions for harmonising the Pilotage Exemption Certificate training and monitoring its implementation systematically.

Image: Passage of the vessel and location of the grounding shown on the map image, with the edge of the ice marked with a red dashed line. In addition, the image shows inside a red circle the temporary “Timca buoy” placed at the location after the accident. (Chart: Traficom, notes: SIA)


Published 26.1.2022