C7/2005R Locomotive and wagon of freight train derailing at Peräseinäjoki in Finland on 31 October 2005

On Monday October 31, 2005 at 14.35 hrs at Peräseinäjoki in Finland, an incident occurred where the locomotive and one wagon of a freight train with roundwood load, derailed. The train was heading toward Seinäjoki. The derailment took place when the train was leaving track 3 and entering turnout V008, where first the locomotive derailed and then the first roundwood carrying wagon, that the locomotive had pulled along. The costs generated by the incident amounted to 175 000 Euros.

No personal injury was caused by the incident. Both track and track equipment were damaged. In addition overhead line equipment was damaged over a distance of several hundreds of metres. As a result of the incident, the bogies and the axle control equipment of the derailed locomotive had to be replaced. Moreover the flank of the locomotive as well as its buffer and railings suffered damage. The wheelset, buffer, some handles and steps of the derailed wagon had to be replaced.

The incident was not caused by one particular factor, but by the joint effect of several circumstances. The causes of the incident included the poor condition and fastening of the sleepers, thus permitting a yielding of the rails at the turnout. The V008 turnout was worn and hence it failed to meet all of the measurement requirements set thereupon. Furthermore the locomotive displayed very worn wheelsets which again may have contributed to the wheel slipping over to the wrong side of the turnout check rail.

The Accident Investigation Board of Finland does not make any recommendations pertaining to the derailment as the V008 turnout was repaired immediately after the incident and later it was submitted to a mechanical overhaul.

C7/2005R Report (pdf, 0.59 Mt)

Published 31.10.2005