C5/2002R Three timber carrying freight cars derailing at Huutokoski on 31 May, 2002

On Friday 31 May 2002 at 17.15 hrs, a train accident took place at Huutokoski: three freight-train cars carrying birch timber from Savonlinna to Pieksämäki derailed. Two cars of the train turned over and about 180 m of track was damaged. The accident caused track and rolling stock damage corresponding to a total cost of about € 21 000.

The derailment was caused by a displacement of the rails of a short rail track as a result of the pendulous movements of the heavily loaded cars. The pendulous movement again was caused by deflections in the track. Moreover the light-structure spike-fastened K30 rails in the track, the compression stress generated by a thermal expansion of the rails, and also the poor condition of the sleepers had their impact on the damaging of the track.

In order to prevent corresponding accidents in the future, the Accident Investigation Board of Finland reiterates its Recommendation S44 published in the Investigation Report C14/1996: "The track should immediately be repaired and the defective old sleepers be replaced by new ones. Replacement of spike fastening by screw fastening and replacement of the rails by heavier ones should be considered, as well." In addition a replacement of the gravel in the railway bed by ballast should be discussed and considered.

C5/2002R Report (pdf, 0.31 Mt)

•Recommendation S181

Published 31.5.2002