C3/2001R Three freight wagons derailing at Rauha station, on January 26, 2001

On Friday January 26, 2001, three empty freight wagons derailed at Rauha station. As a result the derailed wagons, some track and a catenary support were damaged. The derailed wagons, the damaged track and catenary support entailed a seven hours interruption in traffic operation at the site of the incident. Power supply to the catenaries was ensured in twelve hours from the time of the incident.

The accident was generated by the dispatcher having by mistake operated the turnout too early while the train was still travelling thereon. In fact the system in use does not prevent a route re-lease (that is, its unlocking and the operation of the turnout) even in case the train is still travelling on the turnout.

The Accident Investigation Board of Finland does not formulate any new relevant recommenda-tions, but reiterates its recommendation S73 contained in the Investigation Report no. C 5/1997 R, Train guided to wrong track at Imatra, on February 15, 1997: Route locking ought to be revised so as not to allow the operation of a turnout after route securing until the insulated turnout section has first been reserved as occupied and then cleared.

C3/2001R Report (pdf, 0.4 Mt)

•Recommendation S73

Published 26.1.2001