C7/2003L Ultralight aircraft accident in Kirkkonummi on 11 June 2003

On June 11, 2003, at 12:17 local time there was an ultralight aircraft accident when an Ikarus C42, registered OH-U387, stalled at a height of 10–15 m and crashed on a field. Investigator Tapani Vänttinen was nominated as the investigator-in-charge and investigator Ville Hämäläinen as a member of the investigation commission.

The pilot tried to take off from the field with one passenger. The ground roll was unusually long and the pilot continued to accelerate in the ground effect after the lift off. Then he banked left and continued climbing. The aircraft stalled during the climbing turn, rolled left and crashed. Both persons were seriously injured.

The investigators found out that the conditions were against a successful take off. The take off direction was uphill and with tailwind, the aircraft was overweight, the field was uneven when compared to the aircraft wheel size, the pilot used full trailing edge flap setting and the engine was likely not producing maximum power due to an earlier impact damage. The cause of the accident was the decision of the pilot to begin the take off from the field under the unfavourable conditions.

The investigators recommended that the Flight Safety Authority would pay attention to the safety belt mounting of the aircraft. The investigators also recommended that the Flight Safety Authority would require all ultralight flight manuals to contain the measured air speed calibration tables.

C7/2003L Report (pdf, 0.55 Mt)

Published 11.6.2003