C3/2001L Malfunction of Nose Landing Gear at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport on 8 April 2001

There was a serious aircraft incident at Helsinki-Vantaa airport on 8.4.2001 at 23.33 Finnish time, when a two-engined Cessna Citation X type commercial jet aircraft (registration OH-PPI) owned by International Petroleum Products Ltd and operated by Airfix Aviation Ltd made an emergency landing with the nose landing gear totally retracted inside the wheel well.

The aircraft had two passengers and two crew members on board. The emergency landing succeeded; there were no casualties and damage to the aircraft was minor. The passengers and crew left the aircraft calmly after it had stopped.

The Accident Investigation Board (AIB) started on 11.4.2001, according to its decision no: C 3/2001 L, an official investigation of the event. Troubleshooting Coordinator Heikki Tenhovuori and Airline Transport Pilot Arto Nissinen were appointed as investigators.

C3/2001L Report (pdf, 0.88 Mt)

Published 8.4.2001