C8/2003M Ms SILJA OPERA (SWE), Collision with Three Cargo Vessels at St.Petersburg Harbour on 17.9.2003

Ms SILJA OPERA (SWE) collided with three cargo vessels at St.Petersburg harbour on 17.9.2003. The ship was on her way from St.Petersburg to Helsinki.
The accident investigation was accomplished by Sjöfartsinspektion (Sweden). The special investigator Risto Repo from the Accident Investigation Board Finland participated in the investigation as an observer.
According to Sjöfartsinspektion´s report there was several reasons for the accident, among other things these following matters:

1. The Pilot and the bridgecrew did not follow properly the position and the motion of the ship.
2. The weak communication between the pilot and the bridgecrew.
3. The stream of the canal, the shallow water effect, and wind. All these three factors were pushing the ship towards the side.

The Investigation report is available only in Swedish.

C8/2003M Report (pdf, 0.33 Mt)

C8/2003M Report (pdf, 0.61 Mt)

Published 18.2.2003