C4/1997M Ro-ro Passenger Vessel ms FINNMAID and Road Ferry ms MERGUS, Collision at Smörgrund on 16.6.1997

The road ferry MERGUS collided with the ro-ro passenger vessel FINNMAID in dense fog on the 16th of June 1997 at Smörgrund in Finnish archipelago. MERGUS turned to starboard to avoid the collision but despite of it she hit FINNMAID's bow on the starboard side.

FINNMAID proceeded westward on the deep draught route. MERGUS approached the deep draught route from northwest and prepared to turn east.

Both vessels got only minor damage. No persons were injured.

Two islands formed a blind sector on the radar and obscured the vessels from each other. It was difficult to recognize MERGUS with FINNMAID's radar. MERGUS was visible on the radar only occasionally because the afterglow was apparently too short and it was difficult to recognize MERGUS to be a moving target. Correspondingly FINNMAID was visible on MERGUS's radar only occasionally.

The marine's on the both bridges got optical contact too late to avoid the collision.

C4/1997M Report (pdf, 0.81 Mt)

Published 13.5.1997