B3/2007R Fatal level crossing accident in Parikkala, Finland, on 9 March 2007

A level crossing accident involving a passenger car and a rail bus travelling from Savonlinna to Parikkala took place in Särkisalmi on 9 March 2007 at 4.13 p.m. The driver and passenger of the passenger car were killed but the train personnel and passengers escaped uninjured. The passenger car was completely wrecked and the train sustained minor damage.

The accident was directly due to the failure of the car driver to look carefully enough both ways as the car approached the level crossing. Another factor that may have impacted on the accident lies in the possibility that the car driver became satisfied that the level crossing was empty as the car approached the crossing on Melkoniementie, running parallel with the tracks, which may have resulted in the driver failing to observe the tracks upon arriving at the crossing.

In order to prevent similar accidents, the Accident Investigation Board recommends that the Sinkonen level crossing, located in the Särkisalmi residential area, be removed.

B3/2007R Report (pdf, 1.16 Mt)

•Recommendation S237

Published 9.3.2007