C1/2005R Collision of shunting unit and articulated vehicle in Mäntyluoto on 10 March, 2005

An accident took place on March 10, 2005 at a level crossing in Mäntyluoto. A shunting unit collided with an articulated vehicle crossing the tracks. The engine of the shunting unit was derailed and the articulated vehicle was damaged beyond repair. In addition, the level crossing and track equipment suffered minor damage.

The accident occured when the shunting unit was returning to Mäntyluoto from a wagon-weighing assignment. At the level crossing of the road leading to the Kemira Pigments Oy plant area, the shunting unit collided with the articulated vehicle, which had simultaneously entered the crossing. The driver of the articulated vehicle had time to notice the shunting unit approaching behind the cover of trees and to apply the brakes, but was unable to prevent the collision. The articulated vehicle collided with the right side of the engine and slid into a ditch running along the bank.

Two factors were crucial to the accident: the driver’s intention not to stop at the level crossing, and defects in the braking system of the articulated vehicle which weakened the effect of the brakes. Two defects affected the brakes of the articulated vehicle simultaneously at the time of the accident, which caused the behaviour of the vehicle upon braking to surprise the driver. On account of the accident, the Accident Investigation Board recommends enhancing the maintenance of the brakes of articulated vehicles and supervision thereof.

C1/2005R Report (pdf, 0.34 Mt)

•Recommendation S203

•Recommendation S204

Published 10.3.2005