C4/2003R Four Russian timber wagons derailing on Jyväskylä railway yard on 14 May, 2003

On Thursday May 14, 2003, on Jyväskylä railway yard an incident took place where four empty timber wagons derailed when the freight train arrived on the yard. The train consisted of a locomotive and nineteen wagons. No personal injury occurred but track and rolling stock were damaged. The incident took place on a siding within the railway yard and hence caused only slight disturbance in rail traffic. The freight train in question was travelling from Vilppula to Niirala. The five last wagons of the train had to be uncoupled and left at Jyväskylä to permit the train to con-tinue its journey the same evening.

The incident occurred when the train was entering its arrival track on the yard. On the curve in the arrival track the left wheel of the third wheelset of the fifth last wagon of the train derailed in between the tracks. This wheel expanded the track to the extent that also the following wagons partly derailed. Soon thereafter the train stopped as the brake conduit broke. Just before, the engine driver had started to brake the train which had almost come to a full stop.

The incident was caused by a very worn wheel in the fifth last wagon. A wheel in the other end of the wheelset derailed and expanded the track and thus caused the derailing of the following wagons. Other factors contributing to the incident were the rigid-turning bogie pivot structure of the wagons, built in conformity with a Russian standard, and the relatively poor condition of the siding.

In order to prevent similar incidents in the future, the Accident Investigation Board of Finland reiterates its earlier recommendation about ensuring the condition of the bogie pivots of Russian wagons. The Accident Investigation Board proposes that the Russian partners should be reminded of the problems generated by rigid bogie pivots. Because it is difficult to ensure the condition and grease situation of the bogie pivots in border stations, the bogie pivots of Russian wagons should be regularly greased whenever, for some reason, the bogie needs to be dis-mounted from the wagon in Finland. Moreover the Accident Investigation Board proposes that such wagon and coach inspection methods ought to be developed for border stations that focus on bogie pivot rigidity and wheel wear.

C4/2003R Report (pdf, 0.48 Mt)

•Recommendation S58

Published 14.5.2003