B3/2004L Aircraft accident in Mäntsälä on 24 August 2004

On Tuesday 24. August 2004 an accident occurred near Mäntsälä, where a privately built and owned ultralight single seat aircraft Colibri MB 2 crashed. The aircraft was destroyed and the pilot was fatally injured. The Accident Investigation Board appointed an investigation commission B 3/2004 L with Jouko Koskimies as investigator-in-charge and Tapani Vänttinen as member.

The pilot arrived at Mäntsälä private airfield in the afternoon to make a practice flight. His intentions were to make some take-off runs at first, due to his difficulties in controlling the aircraft on ground run. The weather was good. The wind was slightly gusty from 270°–300° with speed of 6–10 knots. The maximum side wind component of the aircraft was 11 knots. The pilot made four or five take-off runs on runway 22, and he had obvious difficulties in controlling the aircraft's heading on runway. Between each run the pilot stopped the aircraft with the engine running and opened the cabin hood to have conversation with the people present. The final take-off was made at 16.25, which after the pilot circled on the east side of the airfield, and finally flew over the field on north-westerly heading towards Mäntsälä. The aircraft crashed at 16.43 about three kilometres south-east from Mäntsälä centre.

The aircraft had crashed on a vertical angle of 40°–50° and banked to the right. The crash trace heading was 044°. The accident site co-ordinates were 60°36,881 N 025°22,121 E (WGS 84). The investigation of the propeller revealed that the engine had been running the whole time. All the outer parts of the aircraft were found, so the aircraft had not broken into pieces in the air. The frame of the cabin hood was apart from the cabin frame, in which the hood lock lever was attached.
The lock was open, the hinges were unbroken, but the limiter rope was broken. The spring belonging to the lock lever was missing. The acrylic hood had gone into pieces, but some pieces were still attached to the hood frame. There were lots of pieces of the hood along the crash trail. Some of the pieces were found also approximately 700 meters east-south-east from the accident site. A conclusion was made that the hood had opened in the air and hit the wing. The dispersion of the aircraft and the crash traces on ground proved that the collision speed was high. It was also possible to draw the conclusion that the aircraft had not been in a spin. The aircraft was not overweight. The centre of gravity was within the limits.

The probable cause of the accident is that the lock lever of the hood had during the flight accidentally opened. The side-hinged hood had immediately opened and hit the right wing of the aircraft, and the hood partially broke. On the basis of the finding place of the hood pieces, it is obvious that the hood had accidentally opened just before the crash dive. The aerodynamic drag of the large hood swung the nose of the aircraft to the right. Simultaneously the aircraft rolled rapidly to the right and the nose went into a steep dive. All happened so swiftly that the pilot lost the possibility to upright the aircraft because of low altitude.

The investigation commission presented no safety recommendations.

B3/2004L Report (pdf, 0.94 Mt)

Published 24.8.2004