C9/2002L Loss of Separation over BALTI on 6 September 2002

On Friday 6 September 2002 at 09.52 UTC (the investigation report uses UTC times, whereas the Estonian and Finnish local times were UTC +3 h) a loss of separation between two aircraft occurred over the Gulf of Finland, near reporting point BALTI. Both aircraft were operated by Finnair Oyj. The flight paths of the DC-9 airliner, flight number FIN754J, and the Boeing 757 airliner, flight number FIN2234, crossed vertically two times while the aircraft were flying in sequence with a horizontal distance of about 2,7 nautical miles (NM).

AIB Finland decided to start an official investigation of the incident on 30.9.2002 (decision No. C 9/2002 L). Airline pilot Jussi Haila and air traffic controller Erkki Kantola were appointed as investigators. The investigation was based on the Act (373/1985) and Decree (79/1996) on the investigation of accidents, ICAO Annex 13 and EU Council Directive 1994/56/EC.

Estonia appointed Mr. Tõnu Ader, director of the accident investigation department, as an accredited representative for the investigation.

C9/2002L Report (pdf, 0.21 Mt)

Published 6.9.2002