L2021-E4 Risk of aircraft accident due to smell of oil-scented smoke in the cockpit at Helsinki-Vantaa airport on 30 October 2021

A Finnair scheduled flight (AY1074) operated by Nordic Regional Airlines took off from Riga to Helsinki on 30 October 2021 at 14.18. On take-off, at an altitude of about 1500 m, the co-pilot smelled an unusual smell of oil-scented smoke in the cockpit. However, the smell dissipated and the pilots continued the flight as normal. On approach, as the pilots reduced engine power to idle, a strong oily smoke odour entered the cockpit. The pilots put oxygen masks on their faces and the co-pilot notified ATC of the emergency and the intention to stop the aircraft on the runway for evacuation. The aircraft landed at Helsinki-Vantaa airport at 15.16.

After a normal landing, the captain stopped the aircraft on the runway and the pilots checked the engine and air system functions with oxygen masks on. As nothing unusual was observed, the captain taxied the aircraft to the intersection of taxiway Y and connector YF, where the aircraft was surrounded by several rescue units. The captain's communication with the rescue units was difficult, as neither ATC nor the pilots were aware of a radio frequency on which the pilots could communicate directly with the rescue units. Therefore, the captain tried to hand a piece of paper containing information of his intentions from the communication hatch of the aircraft to the rescue personnel. At the same time, without noticing the note, one of the firefighters tried to open the door of the aircraft's forward hold, with the aircraft's starboard engine running and the beacon light on. After the communication was finally successful, the aircraft taxied to the ramp where the passengers exited through the main door.

Investigations by the aircraft's maintenance organisation revealed the cause of the smoke smell to be an internal engine oil leak. The incident did not result in any personal injury or material damage other than the failure of the left engine.

Published 19.1.2022