L2021-01 The loss of control of an aircraft during a landing run on a training flight at the Lahti-Vesivehmaa airport on 7 February 2021

The Safety Investigation Authority, Finland has decided to initiate an investigation under section 2 of the Safety Investigation Act (525/2011) into the aviation accident that occurred at the Lahti-Vesivehmaa airport on 7 February 2021. During a landing run, a Reims-Cessna F150G general aviation aircraft drifted out of the runway and rolled upside down.

Safety Investigator Juho Posio has been appointed as the Head of the Investigation Team, and fire chief, Master of Administrative Sciences Jaakko Niskala, flight instructor and test pilot Timo Kostiainen as well as commercial pilot (retired) Kristian Rintala are appointed as members. Chief Air Safety Investigator Janne Kotiranta will serve as the Investigator-in-Charge.

Published 11.2.2021