Preliminary Assessment on New Film Material on M/S Estonia: More Relevant Documentation Needed and Further Analysis Conducted

The M/S Estonia preliminary assessment has advanced.

The Safety Investigation Authorities of Estonia, Finland and Sweden – led by flag State Estonia - currently hold weekly meetings in order to shed light on the occurrence of the two holes in the hull of the wreck of M/S Estonia.

The safety investigators working on the assessment have had the opportunity to review the new film material screened on D-play 28 September, 2020 in the presence of the production company. They have also had the opportunity to inspect the visor of M/S Estonia in Sweden.

The Swedish Investigation Authority (Statens haverikommission, SHK) has held a meeting with representatives of next of kin and some of the survivors (29 October 2020) and are planning further meetings with survivors.

In order to further evaluate the relevance of the new film material and to compare it to the Joint Accident Investigation (JAIC) report, documents need to be acquired and further analysis conducted.

Safety investigators have already requested to get hold of such documents as the drawings of M/S Estonia and seabed charts. Metallurgical and structural analysis will need to be conducted in order to help determine the cause of the two new holes in the hull.

The safety investigators conducting the assessment will continue their work independently and according to the IMO-code and European Union regulations.

Further information:

Estonia (OJK): Executive Director Jens Haug, +372 6256314, [email protected]

Sweden (SHK): Deputy Director General Jonas Bäckstrand, +46 8 508 862 82, [email protected]

Finland (OTKES): Dr. Veli-Pekka Nurmi, Executive Director, +358 29 515 0701, [email protected]

Published 27.11.2020