Investigation of incident involving the door of a business jet at Kittilä airport on 4 January 2018 is progressing

On 11 to 12 January 2018, the Safety Investigation Authority Finland performed a forensic investigation and tests on a business jet, the door of which flew open under high pressure at Kittilä airport on 4 January. The flight's captain, who was opening the door, died in the accident.

The investigation has revealed that excess pressure had formed inside the aircraft, causing the door to fly open with explosive force. The investigation has involved the testing and analysis of matters such as the functioning, operating practices and instructions for cabin pressurisation.

The investigation by the Safety Investigation Authority Finland will continue with issues such as the analysis of data from the cabin audio recorder and flight recorder, and of the manual on using the plane. Additional interviews will also be held. The investigation will be completed within 6–12 months.

The purpose of the safety investigation is to improve safety and prevent similar accidents in the future

More information:
Ismo Aaltonen, Chief Air Safety Investigator, tel. +358 295 150 703
Sakari Lauriala, Head of Communications, tel. +358 295 150 714

Published 17.1.2018